Click the link below to search the State Bar of Texas website for a list of attorneys that practice in your town or geographic area.
Certain indigent defendants are entitled to have a lawyer appointed to represent them:
If you fall into one of these categories and can't afford to retain a lawyer, click this button to apply for court appointed counsel. Complete the form and email it to for consideration.
If you are planning to handle your own case -- felony criminal charge, divorce, or protective order -- click here for a list of helpful resources and forms that will assist you in the process.
There is no right to court-appointed counsel in most civil cases. However, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid provides free civil legal services to indigent residents. TRLA attorneys specialize in more than 45 practice areas, including family, employment, foreclosure, bankruptcy, subsidized housing, farmworker, civil rights, and environmental law. For more information, or to see whether you qualify, click the button below. [Cualquier persona solicitando un abogado(a) tiene que completar el formulario adjunto titulado DECLARACION JURADA DE INDIGENCIA. Para español, haga clic AQUI'.]
The current Indigent Defense Plan for Brewster, Culberson, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, and Presidio Counties, with all related forms, is found here.